j Remote ready | DEVELOR

    DEVELOR Slovakia s.r.o.
    Krasovského 13
    851 01 Bratislava

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    • Leadership a manažment
    • Postoj a nastavenie mysle
    • Predaj, vyjednávanie a starostlivosť o zákazníka
    • Osobná produktivita a komunikácia
    • Budovanie tímu a spolupráca
    • Diverzita, rovnosť a inklúzia
    • Assesment a diagnostika
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    Individuálna diagnostika

    360-stupňová spätná väzba

    Individuálna diagnostika

    Development centrum

    Individuálna diagnostika

    Assessment centrum

    Organizačná diagnostika

    Happy At Work

    Organizačná diagnostika

    Analýza firemnej siete (CX-Ray)

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    • Napíšte prosím aspoň 3 znaky do vyhľadávania.
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    Leadership in dispersed remote setup is crucial. We help leaders to keep people aligned, engaged and productive.

    Individual engagement and productivity will falter in the home office setup. We help people to minimize frustration and keep productive.


    An innovative development program dedicated to leadership in the volatile and unpredictable world of VUCA. It answers the questions of how to be an effective leader in the VUCA environment, how to act agile and lead a team to meet changes. Drawing on the best practices of Agile and LEAN, it helps sketch the strategy of work, manage the work, commitment and motivation of employees.


    • preparation for the role of a leader
    • formulating vision to the team,
    • decision-making and empowering employees,
    • understanding the role and using current feedback


    • 1,5 hour introduction webinar: VUCA Challenges & Agile Leadership
    • 6 x 2 hour Virtual Class (6-10 people)
    • additional materials and work between modules
    • gamification platform
    • individual consultations with the trainer
    Contact us


    There is no more relevant skill today than leading, motivating and supervising home office workers. There is no bigger challenge than creating an engaging environment now when the abnormal is the new normal when old routines are worth close to nothing.

    Our online classroom program helps managers to cope with the current unexpected situation when people are remote and the whole work situation is uncertain and fast-changing.

    The Leading Home Office Workers covers leadership routines and strategies to motivate people while using technology as an advantage.


    • leadership routines with home workers and remote teams
    • motivating and engaging for results
    • using technology for your benefit (communicate, support, control)
    • assessing & managing emotions & distress (sociomapping)


    • 3 x 2 hour virtual course
    • bi-weekly team sociomapping (mapping emotional status of your people)
    • additional materials shared and individual work between modules
    • individual online consultation
    Contact us


    Technological improvements make remote work possible for more and more people all over the world. No matter if going remote is based on a conscious decision, a result of compulsion or it is an answer to a crisis such as the one we live in. Remote work has a lot of advantages, but it does have some challenges as well.

    The purpose of the training is to support participants in successfully adapting to remote work while maintaining the required level of productivity and keeping work-life balance in a remote environment.


    • Advantages and challenges of remote work
    • Conscious, effective task & time management in home office
    • Keeping work-life balance if you work from home office
    • Communication and collaboration principles in remote work


    • 4 x 2 hour virtual class
    • Additional materials for individual work between modules
    • Optional add-on elements:
      Online application support consultation (45-60 min/group)
      Online individual coaching (60-90 min/person)

    Find out how to be really productive at home!



    With the help of the unique Team Sociomapping analysis we are able to assess the current and ideal way of communication and improve collaboration.


    Working in and leading teams that are not in one physical location already is a must-have skill. We teach proven tips how to make it well.


    We help design a new meeting structure, new meeting types and supporting digital tools that home office and hybrid operation require.

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    Working from home might be fun for the first couple of days. After that, things will start to get frustrating: your team is not right there to discuss simple, yet important topics; you are “at work” 24/7 and unable to leave; the uncertainty of “when this will end” starts to bug your mind.

    Our personal resilience comes into focus in these situations. We mustn’t allow frustration to take over and drive our action. We need to be able to identify the stressors & use suitable strategies to cope with them, handle the unusual situation with all our inner strength.


    • what is personal resilience & how to build it
    • understanding one’s stressors and salutors
    • defining & implementing strategies for retaining engagement


    • individual diagnostics
    • 1-hour webinar
    • weekly 45 minutes virtual consultation
    • individual work between sessions

    Find out how we can help you build resilience!

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    About DEVELOR

    an international consulting company that has existed for 27 years and operates in 20 countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The company specializes in comprehensive consulting and training solutions that change the behavior of staff and improve business performance. For its clients, DEVELOR develops and implements effective projects on staff involvement and human capital development.

    We grow individuals
    and teams
    at work.

    Various Types of Online Learning

    Our trainers and consultants are ready to prepare and deliver online development so that it has impact and interactivity.

    • Virtual class
    • Webinar
    • Online consultations
    • Online coaching

    Virtual class

    The virtual classroom enables training sessions closely resembling the classical face-to-face. It is a great way to learning, experience and practice new skills, and to transfer the learning from the classroom to the workplace.

    During a VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, participants can

    • be engaged in interactive presentations
    • work on assignments in small groups, or even
    • practice skills in triads, just like offline

    In order to maintain sufficient interactivity, Virtual Classroom is recommended for groups of 6-12 people. The length shall not exceed 120 minutes.

    Virtual class

    The virtual classroom enables training sessions closely resembling the classical face-to-face. It is a great way to learning, experience and practice new skills, and to transfer the learning from the classroom to the workplace.

    During a VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, participants can

    • be engaged in interactive presentations
    • work on assignments in small groups, or even
    • practice skills in triads, just like offline

    In order to maintain sufficient interactivity, Virtual Classroom is recommended for groups of 6-12 people. The length shall not exceed 120 minutes.


    For webinar we bring people together in order to inform, lecture, update or discuss. Unlike the virtual classroom, it is more about delivering a certain content and share knowlege. However, it doesn’t mean that a webinar is a tiring presentation. On the contrary, a good webinar is highly interactive and involving.

    Through WEBINAR session:

    • Contribute to the discussion via chat window and Q&A session
    • Express their opinion in polls and online voting
    • Share materials on their screen

    This type of virtual session is suitable for larger audiences as well. The length shall not exceed 90 minutes.


    For webinar we bring people together in order to inform, lecture, update or discuss. Unlike the virtual classroom, it is more about delivering a certain content and share knowlege. However, it doesn’t mean that a webinar is a tiring presentation. On the contrary, a good webinar is highly interactive and involving.

    Through WEBINAR session:

    • Contribute to the discussion via chat window and Q&A session
    • Express their opinion in polls and online voting
    • Share materials on their screen

    This type of virtual session is suitable for larger audiences as well. The length shall not exceed 90 minutes.

    Online consultations

    This type of virtual interaction is recommended as a follow-up on a previous training course. The purpose is to provide further support in the topic, deepen knowledge, discuss cases and challenges and receive direct support from the trainer.

    During an ONLINE CONSULTATION the trainer and the participants:

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face classroom.

    Depending on the topic in question, it is recommended to organize these sessions one-on-one or in a micro group (2-3 people).

    The length of the session is 45-60 minutes.

    Online consultations

    This type of virtual interaction is recommended as a follow-up on a previous training course. The purpose is to provide further support in the topic, deepen knowledge, discuss cases and challenges and receive direct support from the trainer

    During an ONLINE CONSULTATION the trainer and the participants:

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face classroom.

    Depending on the topic in question, it is recommended to organize these sessions one-on-one or in a micro group (2-3 people).

    The length of the session is 45-60 minutes.

    Online coaching

    Remote online coaching is a good way to support the coachee in achieving a specific personal or professional goal or providing individual feedback following a recent diagnostics.


    During the ONLINE COACHING the coach and the coachee

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face session.

    Similar to face-to-face coaching sessions, online coaching can be a one-time event or a series of sessions, focusing on specific development goals.

    The recommended length of a one session is 60-90 minutes.

    Online coaching

    Remote online coaching is a good way to support the coachee in achieving a specific personal or professional goal or providing individual feedback following a recent diagnostics.

    During the ONLINE COACHING the coach and the coachee

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face session.

    Similar to face-to-face coaching sessions, online coaching can be a one-time event or a series of sessions, focusing on specific development goals.

    The recommended length of a one session is 60-90 minutes.

    DEVELOR is a Proven Partner

    As a global company with the local presence we have been training corporations in management and work in virtual teams for many years.
    We are organizationally efficient and quick in action!

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