j Impact leadership | DEVELOR

    DEVELOR Slovakia s.r.o.
    Krasovského 13
    851 01 Bratislava

    Všetky kontakty
    Kontaktujte nás    
    • Leadership a manažment
    • Postoj a nastavenie mysle
    • Predaj, vyjednávanie a starostlivosť o zákazníka
    • Osobná produktivita a komunikácia
    • Budovanie tímu a spolupráca
    • Diverzita, rovnosť a inklúzia
    • Assesment a diagnostika
    • HR konzulting a koučing
    • Všetky služby
    Individuálna diagnostika

    360-stupňová spätná väzba

    Individuálna diagnostika

    Development centrum

    Individuálna diagnostika

    Assessment centrum

    Organizačná diagnostika

    Happy At Work

    Organizačná diagnostika

    Analýza firemnej siete (CX-Ray)

    Nájdené medzi službami a riešeniami

    • Napíšte prosím aspoň 3 znaky do vyhľadávania.
    Všetky služby

    Nájdené medzi inými zdrojmi

    • Napíšte prosím aspoň 3 znaky do vyhľadávania.
    Prezrite si všetky zdroje

    Cieľová skupina

    • All management levels

    Počet zapojených

    8 - 12

    Ako dlho to bude trvať

    2 days

    Lídri budúcnosti
    • Prezenčný tréning
    • Virtuálny tréning

    How can business meetings be more efficient and engaging? How can we work properly with KPIs to get the right performance? What should we do when we go to see subordinates in their working places? How can a visual board support our daily and weekly activities? How can we deliver a fast and efficient mini-training even though we are not a professional trainer?

    In addition to individual qualities, characteristics, and attitudes, there are routines which can be exercised and developed – and they contribute considerably to effectiveness.

    Impact leadership

    Impact Leadership has the ambition to equip participants with practical routines and tools to fulfill some of their leadership roles in the arena of managing, developing and engaging people. The training course gives an overview of selected theoretical concepts, but mostly focuses on pragmatic leadership skills, called key drivers or elements of the leadership operational model.

    The training modules are constructed in such a way that they will be tailored to company’s environment. The course is suitable for the implementation of company leadership routines. It includes topics like: Meetings create context for decision making: meetings are an important activity in any organization. The training addresses how to make them more engaging and effective. Go & See practices: one of the most powerful routines, especially for mid and top management. This routine supports faster decision making, motivation, engagement and organizational learning. Coaching for improvement: the modules combine situational coaching with feedback either in terms of personal skills, performance, or task execution.

    The training modules are constructed in such a way that they will be tailored to company’s environment. The course is suitable for the implementation of company leadership routines. It includes topics like:

    • meetings create context for decision making: meetings are an important activity in any organization. The training addresses how to make them more engaging and effective
    • Go & See practices: one of the most powerful routines, especially for mid and top management. This routine supports faster decision making, motivation, engagement and organizational learning.
    • coaching for improvement: the modules combine situational coaching with feedback either in terms of personal skills, performance, or task execution

    By the end of the programme participants will be able to:

    • run company meetings with the right purpose
    • execute an efficient Go & See routine
    • coach team members efficiently
    • develop a company visual management board
    • provide an impactful mini-training to team members


    • practical approach to leadership
    • organizational learning
    • organizational performance, key drivers for KPIs
    • meetings for the right purpose: daily, weekly, monthly
    • Go & See routines
    • coaching for improvement
    • visual management
    • impactful KPIs
    • practical problem-solving

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